Interview preparation

Job interview preparation

Your job interview will probably be the first time you come face-to-face with your future employer. So it’s very important to make a good impression at this early stage. Whether you are interviewed by someone from the personnel department or the managing director, ensure you look good, tell the interviewer what they want to hear and you’ve hopefully got the job!

Interview stress
Unfortunately interviews are not that easy. For most people, they are a stressful experience, often dreaded for days leading-up to the meeting. Negative thoughts can overpower people, producing images of failure and even humiliation.

Below are a few thoughts which may produce some pre-interview stress:

“What shall I wear?” more …
“I might say the wrong thing and ruin my chances” more…
“I might not be able to answer the questions I’m asked” more…
“If I’m asked if I have any questions, what questions do I ask?” more…

In this section we provide job interview tips and advice, covering: company research, job interview skills, what to wear for an interview and common interview questions and answers to name a few.

Preparation is the key
If you’re prepared, your interview will be much easier. This cannot guarantee you will get the job you want, but preparation will increase your chances enormously and your stress levels won’t be a problem.

Now do some research on the company you are being interviewed at

Last modified: Wednesday 20 April 2011